Tuesday 11 November 2014

2014 Commencement Production by Team Palmer

2014 Commencement Production by Team Palmer

Congratulations Graduates! Enjoy These Baked Goodies!

List of Items Made for Commencement 2014

Bars, Squares and Cookies

Nanaimo Bars
Coconut Bars
Lemon Bars
Sables - Piped Cookies
Chocolate Spritz Cookies
Cornflakes Crunch

Flans and Custards

Chocolate Mousse
Fruit Tarts


Vanilla Chocolate Cake
Red Velvet Cupcakes
Chocolate Cake
Rum Cake
Strawberry Shortcakes
Decorated Cakes
Chocolate Rum Frosting
Victoria Sandwich

'Left Over' Solutions! Nothing Goes to Waste!

Cake Pieces Use in Trifle
Make Cake Pops
Cake Flavoured Icing and Ice Cream
In Tiramisu
Egg Whites Use in Mirungue
Angel Food Cake
Royal Icing
For Breakfast foods
Fruit Pieces Puree
Fruit Tarts
Decorate Cake
Cake Filling
Jams and Preserves
Chocolate Shapes Melt and use as Spread or Icing
Decorate a Cake
Decorate Fruits, as Dip or Coating
Coat Biscuits

Cost of Chocolate Cornflakes Crunch



Per g, Kg,
lb, oz, etc.

Total Purchase
Cost in $

Cost of Amount
Used in $

Butter 160 g    40 1 lb
Corn Syrup 4 tbsp      2 4 ltrs
Chocolate (Dark) 180 g      4 2.5 kgs
Chocolate (White) 180 g      4 2.5 kgs
Sliced Almonds 90 g      3 1 kg
Shredded Coconut 70 g      3 1 kg
Corn Flakes 146 g      6 675 g




Price per square: $ 3.73
Price per portion: $ 0.62

Cost of Jam-Filled Butter Biscuits (Sables)



Per g, Kg,
lb, oz, etc.

Total Purchase
Cost in $

Cost of Amount
Used in $

Plain Flour 250 g      1 20 kgs
Butter 200 g    40 1 lb
Icing Sugar 100 g      1 20 kgs
Pinch of Salt      

Free Range Egg Yolks 2     15 1 dozen
Raspberry Jam 4 tbsp      6 1.5 ltrs
Apricot Jam 4 tbsp      6 1.5 ltrs



Price per portion: $ 0.70

5 Benefits or the Importance of Costing in a Food Business

  1. A cost conscious baker running a food business must work out the costs, so as to analyze whether making an item from scratch is cheaper or it can be bought outside at a better price.
  2. Some ingredients like fruits have short shelf life, so it is better to work out the cost and buy supplies just to satisfy immediate needs and to avoid wastage but still get them at the right price.
  3. Working on the cost of preparation of items helps the owner to set right prices for them. This way customers will be attracted by a good price and the owner will still make a profit to stay in business.
  4. Even at times when the food item gets wasted, the loss of the particular item can be calculated by the business owner. In case he decides to give samples, then he knows the amount he is spending as advertisement of his product.
  5. A food business owner who engages in costing can easily keep track of his inventory and knows the monetary value of supplies he has at any time. This helps him in deciding what purchases to make in the future and at what cost.

With a sound costing system in place, the owner can plan for the next few weeks and months based on the inventory at hand and thus ensure his business runs at a profit.

After all Money Matters!

Saturday 13 September 2014

Baking Basics - How to become a Baking Wonder

Sugar Cookies in the shapes of flowers, fruits, snow flakes, tea pots & Christmas decorations
and Chocolate Chip Cookies

My Baking Experience

This is my first venture into the culinary world and I must frankly admit that I'm thrilled to have an opportunity to explore this rather tasty part of life! I am pursuing this course not just for the academic perspective but to use what I learn here in my future. I look at this course as valuable life lessons.
In this course, I have so far made chocolate chip cookies. I was excited to make this classic for the first time. In my short experience here, I have learned that it is best for one person to focus on the ingredients set up while the other person puts the dish together. In this way, a through measuring of the ingredients can be done to avoid flaws in the preparation and taste of the product. As it was our first time baking, lack of experience, led my partner and I to both focus on ingredients set up which made us hasty, hence the surplus of baking soda which ruined the taste of our cookies. But this does not deter my enthusiasm and I am learning from each experience to be the best baker I can!

The 3 most important steps to becoming a Baking Wonder are Sanitation & Safety, Measuring and Ingredients Station Setup which are discussed below.

Sanitation and Safety

  • Hand Washing
    Hands must be washed after handling hazardous or raw food, sneezing or coughing, touching something contaminated, smoking and using the washroom.
    To wash hands one must wet hands, apply soap, lather for 15 sec, rinse, dry and turn taps off with towel.

  • Personal Hygiene

    There should be no smoking in the kitchen.
    Food handlers must wear headgear to confine hair and clean clothing.
    Food handlers should not handle food when they are ill, have open wounds, are wearing a band-aid, have uncut nails, or are wearing jewelry.
    Food handlers must not bit nails and touch face.

  • Temperature Maintenance

    Keep hot food hot above 60 degrees C and cold food cold below 4 degrees C.

  • Bacterial Growth

    Bacteria grow rapidly between 4 degrees C and 60 degrees C. This is called the danger zone. Do not allow food to be in this temperature range for longer than 2 hours.

  • Cross Contamination

    To avoid cross-contamination store raw food and cooked food separately and ensure that equipment are cleaned and sanitized after they come in contact with raw food.


The 2 measuring systems are:

  • Metric System

    Grams = g
    1000 g = 1 Kg
    Kilogram = Kg

    Millilitres = ml
    1000 ml = 1 L
    Litres = L
  • Imperial System

    Ounces = oz
    16 oz = 1 Lbs
    Pounds = Lbs

    Fluid ounces = Fl oz
    16 Fl oz = 1 Pt
    Pint = Pt
Other Measuring items:
  •  Tea spoon = tsp
    1 tsp = 5 ml
  •  Table spoon = tbsp
    3 tsp = 15 ml = 1 tbsp
  • Scale
    Step 1. Place pie dish on scale and turn to 0.
  • Digital Scale
    Step 1. Place pie dish on scale and press 'Tare'.

Ingredients Station Setup

Ingredients set up for Chocolate Chip Cookies

First wear head gear and apron and wash hands.

Then setup ingredients table by getting butter and eggs out of the fridge. Get Vanilla essence and baking soda onto the table. Ensure that brown sugar, granulated sugar, chocolate chips, walnuts and pastry flour are also out. Get foil baking trays, a bowl, 2 ml spoon and tray for the ingredients. One person should get the Scale and measure the required ingredients while the other starts making the cookies.


60 g granulated sugar
70 g brown sugar
80 g butter
1 egg
2 drops vanilla essence
125 g pastry flour
2 ml baking soda
100 g chocolate chips
50 g chopped walnuts

  1. Sift flour and baking soda onto a sheet of paper.
  2. Cream sugar and butter.
  3. Add egg and continue to cream until light and fluffy.
  4. Add flour and mix until combined.
  5. Add the chocolate chip cookies.
  6. Using a portion scoop place equal sized amounts evenly spaced on a foil baking tray. Flatten with a fork.
  7. Bake at 190 C for 10 to 15 minutes depending on the size. Watch cookies and turn them around at half way point.